Hex mode can show 3 types of line numbers or offsets left to the hex area: Physical Line Numbers, Logical Line Numbers, and File Offsets. By default file offset mode is selected.
Line Numbers Contex Menu
File Offsets indicate the start of each line measured in bytes from the beginning of the file. The start offset can be adjusted by a positive or negative offset using the Start Offset item in the context menu.
Logical Line Numbers count the number of shown hex data lines from the start of the file. The start line number can be adjusted by a positive or negative offset using the Start Line item in the context menu.
Physical Line Numbers count the number of shown physical text lines from the start of the file. The starting line number can be adjusted by a positive or negative offset using the Start Line item in the context menu.
Note: As of now, in Hex mode physical and logical line numbers are identical. This may change in a future version, when data lines are interleaved with other annotational text lines.
Line numbers and offsets can be shown in decimal or hex. In decimal mode numbers are signed. In hexadecimal mode numbers are unsigned.
See also: [Hex|View|ShowLineNumbers]