The Hex Edit mode allows to view and edit binary data as integer or floating point words.
Word width can be configured as 8, 16, 24, 32, 64-bit integer, or 32 and 64-bit floating point. Integer types are always displayed as hex-tuples, floating point values are displayed in scientific notation (mE+x). For a word width larger than 8-bit, byteorder can be configured as little endian or big endian.
The following table illustrates the data types and how they are commonly refered to:
7yuv Hex Type | C type | x86 term | ARM term | Endianess |
8-bit Byte | unsigned char | BYTE | Byte | no |
16-bit Word | unsigned short | WORD | Halfword | yes |
24-bit Word | - | - | - | yes |
32-bit Word | unsigned long | DWORD | Word | yes |
64-bit Word | unsigned long long | QWORD | Doubleword | yes |
32-bit Float | float | - | - | yes |
64-bit Float | double | - | - | yes |